Thursday, 17 January 2013

Why are we here?

So, why are we here?

Sure, in a general sense this question has the potential to drive me mad.
So I avoid thinking about it, let alone trying to answer it.

But in this context, I expect you might like to know why I think anybody might visit this site.

A lot of things confuse me. I wish I saw the world in "black and white" - but I never have!
I'm a bit colour-blind, and I see the world in about as many shades of grey as it's possible to imagine. And even when there seem to be "answers" to problems that concern me, it's all too clear that to accept those answers one usually has to ignore issues of validity relating to underlying assumptions.

So, like most people, I pass the stream of questions I might ask (myself or others) through the filter of what I think the likelihood of getting useful answers is.

Naturally, I do bother to ask things like "Is now the time to cross the road?"

I'm beginning to compile a list of bigger questions I'd like answers to, and to which answers might be available. So far that list includes the following:

Research has established beyond any doubt that the vast majority of law-makers (anywhere) soon become convinced that the laws they (and others) make are not intended to bind them or the rest of their (law-making) class.
  • Why has this not become a focus of public attention?

Here in New Zealand, the farming lobby has influence out of all proportion with what can be justified by the contribution the people it represents make to society.
  • Why do we put up with this?

More soon...

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